Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday was a day of Air, Master's, and a Vampire

Life in Florida without an air conditioner is bad.

Life in Florida in the middle of August without an air conditioner is really bad.

Life in Florida in the middle of August without an air conditioner WHILE PREGNANT is PURE TORTURE!!!

I have been without A/C for a week and a half. It broke on a Saturday, apparently it was a cylinder that had cracked and leaked all the oil and freon. Fun fun fun. The warranty was past so to fix it would be half the cost of buying a whole new unit, so we decided to go with the new, more economical unit. It got put in on Wednesday....finally!

Until it was fixed, I did convince my husband to go buy a small window unit at Wall-mart to put in the bedroom. It wasn't quite big enough to cool the entire bedroom and the bathroom but it worked well enough to keep it from being scorching in one room of the house as well.

The only problem was the room service sucked... hahaha :)

Wednesday however, was a great day. Not only did I get my A/C fixed, but I also finished up all my final paperwork (Case Study, portfolio, reflection paper) for my Master's Degree and submitted it all. It will be so wonderful to have these last few months before Reagan is born to not have to constantly write papers or read textbooks. I can't even begin to imagine having to continue with all of this AND take care of a newborn... It wouldn't have worked at all!! Just call me "Master Mommy!"

The bizarre thing about Wednesday was that I woke up with a busted blood vessel in my left eye causing a red blood spot/ring around the white part of my eye. If you have read,or seen the movie (although the book is, as usual, way better) Twilight, you will know that both new vampires have red eyes (Older vampires who have recently fed on human blood also have red eyes too haha, but I can assure you that I have NOT had any of that!!). Let me tell was a ton of fun to go to school and work with Kindergartners, first and second graders with a blood red eye! Too bad it wasn't Halloween!!

My doctor said that it is fairly common for pregnant women to pop blood vessels in their eyes. I could have sneezed, rubbed it, coughed, rolled over wrong in bed, who knows what.

To say the least...I had a very interesting day yesterday!

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